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Hey King Neptune: Have you ever jumped out of an airplane and into shark infested waters without dive gear??

And Kathryn: Having a 180 lb. dive buddy who insisted on wearing 35 pounds of weigh (I kid you not) was much more scary than seeing a shark. I thought for sure he was going to crash into the reef and be unable to move. He was able to move but boy was he tired after a few minutes.
Please check CathyChurch.com. She has a 10 page (when printed off) suggestions for the fearful diver. Scroll down the main page until you see afraid underlined. It has some great tips that even my husband a diver since 69 found useful.
Dive smart[:])
Thanks for the website - I'll go right over!
You love the brief feeling of weightlessness that you get when you skydive, right? Just think about experiencing that for up to 90 minutes.
Just make sure that you are learning to dive because you want to, not because it will make someone else happy. Diving is an exacting sport and if you don't enjoy it then you shouldn't do it.
And remember just because he's your husband doesn't mean you can't find another dive buddy if he gets to be too much of a pain (which they do tend to do at times).
hey there hi there ho there ...

Origanally posted by cat diver...

You love the brief feeling of weightlessness that you get when you skydive, right?

Who ever said anything about a "Brief" feeling? hehe
If its "brief" then maybe youre not jumping from high enough! Wanna talk about a real thrill, jump from a height that requires a serious exposure suit and oxygen just to keep from passing out or succumbing to the elements. There is actually enough time to catch alittle free fallin siesta.

Originally posted by Laurel ...

Hey King Neptune: Have you ever jumped out of an airplane and into shark infested waters without dive gear??

Actually yes, and alot more so than with Dive Equipment, or maybe only in partial gear, depends on the conditions and what the task is. Seriously, calling it "shark infested waters" really isnt fair and is over-rated. 1st of all it's their home, so we are the infestation and 2ndly, I'd rather tango with a couple of 6 foot sharks than a couple of 6 foot sea lions...

It's all Mind over Matter, If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!


Being afraid of sharks is one of lifes natural reactions. But in my experience the sighting of your first shark brings a completely different reaction to what you would expect.
I have taught many people to dive and as I live in Malaysia we have sharks. I try to take my students on their first dive after qualification if possible, also we have some qualified divers who have never seen sharks. 99% of divers on seeing their first shark (doesn't matter if it is a reef shark or a hammerhead) start to chase after it! Most sharks you encounter will swim away from you, unless you do a shark feed dive! They will sometimes let you get within a foot or so if resting on the bottom, but usually no closer.
We as humans are curious creatures and most learn to dive to find out whats down there. So the first time you see a fish, nudibranch, crab, lobster or whatever, you have never seen before your first reaction is to take a closer look. No matter how many years of diving you have under your belt this is a natural human reaction.
Please enjoy your diving and don't worry about anything. Pick who you learn to dive with carefully. A good instructor as well as teaching to dive will show you some of the wonders of the wonder water world. Once qualified the worlds oceans will be calling you. There are so many places to dive in many different conditions each with it own beauties.
Have fun!
I think Jo said something that deserves a look...

Pick who you learn to dive with carefully

No matter how good you are, WHO you dive with can have both positive and deadly consequences.

Just something to think about ...



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