Golf Pro turned.............Diver?

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Cincinnati, OH
Hello Friends!

My name is Chris. I currently live in Cincinnati, OH. I am a golf pro at a local country club in Cincinnati and decided to take up diving this year as something to do this winter. I am half way through my PADI Open Water Diver Course and have became totally addicted to the sport!

Has anyone seen the movie "Caddy Shack?" Do you remember the scene where he walks into the pro shop and starts buying everything? (including naked lady golf tees) Well that was me after completing my Discover Scuba scession!

I still have a few more equipment purchases to make, so I'm sure I will be picking the brain of just about anyone who will listen!

Look forward to hearing from you all,

Hello Chris, and welcome from Houston, Texas. there are a lot of people on this board that are more then willing to help. All you have to do is ask question.

Welcome Chris! Once you get certified, I have a project for you... underwater golf! There are several golfers on the Board and I'm sure you guys can come up with something!
to our genteel :fight: discussions. Nothing but smiles :maniac: and sunshine here. :really:

We can get a little :whack: passionate, but it's only because we care! :cuddle:
Welcome. Even though I don't understand SCUBA... in Ohio... as a WINTER sport??? Well welcome from one of the warm water whimps!
Do you think you can find a way to combine golfing with diving, some UW game of goldiving maybe?

Regards from Israel.

Ari :)

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