Going to Costa Rica. Need help finding a fishing charter.

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Oregon - USA
# of dives
500 - 999
I'm going to Costa Rica (Ocotal, Coco Beach area) with a goup of about 12-15 guys from work. We need to find three or four boats that will take us fishing offshore. Does anybody have any advice for fishing charters in that area?

We are leaving in two weeks so any help would be appreciated. I found lots of hits on the web but wanted a personal recommendation from a fellow diver (we will dive while there as well).

No recommendation re fishing, but I did dive with the Ocotal hotel's dive charter about five years ago. Went to Catalina Islands and spent a couple of dives with a group af Manta's - 6 or 8 - hard to count as they were swooping in and out of visability. One of my all time favorite dives.
If I'm not mistaken, I think El Ocotal can set you up with a fishing charter. I know when I was there in 98 they had mechanical problems on the dive boat we were using. So for a few days we were on a charter fishing boat they arranged (diving of course). You may want to check with them......would be the easiest.

EDIT: I just looked at El Ocotal's website. It's got fishing information in the upper left hand corner via a link.

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