Couple of points.
The water in Bonaire is obtained through desalination. Perfectly safe. Eric will drink the top water over bottled water there. In fact, recycle any plastic bottles you do buy and fill them from the tap to chill in the fridge or partially filled to freeze then fill and take for cold water between dives.
And save the larger bottles, soda or juice, and fill with water to put in the back of the truck for a fresh water rinse after each dive.
Don't know Windsock but Kite City food truck is often parked at Te Amo beach near the airport. Fantastic fresh catch wraps and sandwiches, not cheap though. Cactus Blue food truck also has good burgers just down the road.
Kite City
Fresh produce, especially fruit, can be hit or miss.
There is a new warehouse style grocery on the same road as Van Dan Tweel and Warehouse. Don't recall the name.
Oh, and money. Except for the park fee which is cash only we really don't take a lot of cash. Credit cards are readily accepted, at least Visa, and mine has no international fee. So we use it there just as we do at home. The only place we do cash is small purchases and the food trucks.
@AdivingBel Fresh Market is on our list but I forgot the hours so arrived too late to try this last trip. Eric is a fanatic for Kite City so tough to get him anywhere else for lunch!
Edit. There is a small upside down boat, too small to call a ship wreck, at Bari Reef that we always enjoy. Usually a large green morey and unfortunately lionfish in residence. It is south at Bari at about 90 feet. It's our turn point. And don't miss the old foundation that is just left of the entrance at Bari at the shoreline.