Hello all,
I am not sure if this is the proper place to put this or not but I will anyway. I am in the beginning process of starting up a new Live Aboard company, and I was just wondering if there was anyone that has some knowledge on the subject to help me out with anything I may be forgetting. You can either post Q&A's here or PM me. Thank you in advance
Man Good LUCK<
You will need it!
Don't see do you have your 6 pac License yet? check out Insurance-boats,crew-cooking, docks,dive sites, moorings,
IMO its a hard business as I have just done small group trips and on small boats owner and owners wife mate & cook and have seen some horror stories of folks divers just being total jerks as in foods not right,boats damp,my stuffs wet -toilets clogged cant we do the planed dives?I got sun burnt,I am sea sick!Why do I have this weird rash,husband pissed at wife-wife pissed at husband-folk's not showing up for charter,last minute cancellation's-folks you could not make happy no way!
and that's just a few things I have seen!wow and that is just a few items wonder what live aboard owners could add!
best of and
Good luck!