Go Pro Mounting_Zgear_

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United States
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25 - 49

Reviewed many mounts for my Go pro Hero 3 Black, and this one makes it easy!

Connect it to your BCD, and it is very convenient. I did learn that I do need to use a proper filter... live and learn!! I just purchased one and we will see if it works!!
I recently read that a diver used his LCD screen for his Go Pro 3. I was under the impression that this was not possible due to the buttons and screen constantly being pressed and not functioning properly. Is this correct ? Also can a Battery bac pak be used underwater while diving ?

Thank you for your response in advance,

It appears that it is working great for you. I had some trouble with it while testing it out. It seems to work best for the thicker shoulder harnesses and would slip and slide with the 2" webbing. Also it got in the way when using a long hose and trying to donate the reg. in a fast manner. It also is designed around a more vertical profile vice a horizontal. Not a bad idea and I am still working on ironing out the kinks. Very nice vis BTW.
I did have a reasonable wide BCD, and I did have to adjust the mount when horizontal. One issue I did have, was mounting it on my right side (regulator hose did get in the way). But it was truly hands free, rather than the other divers using a wrist or pole. I did set my go pro to take photos every 5 seconds (1440 24fps - simultaneous video and photo). I really enjoy the hero 3+ black, and it capability.
I did have a reasonable wide BCD, and I did have to adjust the mount when horizontal. One issue I did have, was mounting it on my right side (regulator hose did get in the way). But it was truly hands free, rather than the other divers using a wrist or pole. I did set my go pro to take photos every 5 seconds (1440 24fps - simultaneous video and photo). I really enjoy the hero 3+ black, and it capability.

Try the mount over the left side this will cancel out the regulator hose issue. Also using the extension for the mount will give more options on positioning. There are some who have using the extension. Here is a few of those and also how to use the extension kit. 852426160266929 How to use
[h=2]Zgear BCD Mount review[/h]
***moved from prior post as this deserves its own review***

Zgear BCD Mount review
I had a chance to try out the mount during a lionfish hunt. This was really the only way to get decent bubble-free footage when both my hands were busy with a hawaiian sling. It took some getting used to as far as positioning and angles but I found the best setup was on my left shoulder webbing under the inflator hose and hinged angled towards my chest facing forward and a little towards by head right under my chin. Pretty much looked like I was a blues musician with a harmonica, but got the best POV shots. I was worried about stability of the Velco strap because I don't have a padded BCD shoulder strap, only basic webbing. However the tethering leash attached to the D-ring had the added benefit of stabilizing the rig even more. Stability was not a problem. Also did not notice a bubble on my filter that I would have normally seen if my GoPro was on a handle but this is more due to my unfamiliarity using this mount for the first time. With the GoPro under my chin at my chest, it was easy to access the buttons. Overall this is a well made product and will be my only option when I want to go hands free, although in general I film mostly using a handle. Mask mounts are not an option secondary to bubbles. Check out the footage below. A little less than a half of the scenes are with the BCD mount. I filmed in superview which I do NOT recommend secondary to edge distortion...originally thought that doing this would help me capture more of the action since I wasn't actively aiming the camera.

Thanks for letting me demo your product. Very nice mount


[h=2]Great video sent from dive instructor using the Z Gear BCD mount![/h]
Wanted to share this great video sent to us by a dive instructor (scuba board member) using the Z Gear BCD
Go Pro mount during an advanced dive class. He was also using the extension kit, and it was a great example on how dive instructors can use this hands free option to capture footage of their lessons with students. Perhaps this could be a good tool to have as a record for showing students what they are doing right and what areas they can improve on. It also will help remind students on what to do, since some lessons can be forgotten, unless they are put to practice or at least revisited by video. Thanks tphelps for your video we enjoyed watching it!



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