Go Pro hero4 black picture quality problem

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Brighton, UK
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50 - 99
i there new to the forum and looking for some advice from any go pro experts out there. i have a go pro hero 4 black edition and my dive buddy has the silver edition. we both have the same red filter and both used default settings yet his pictures/videos come out with much better quality (as in cleared and more colour) than mine do despite being at the same depth, same gear same subjects, same time etc. the only difference is that i have the black he has the silver.

so the question is are the basic settings different and is there a better setup for underwater photography (generally between 15m - 30m) presumably they are default setup for on land use so any tips for underwater settings?

thanks in advance
Some questions:
- What are the exact settings you are using?
- What kind of memory card?
- Describe your workflow for processing the video
- What conditions were you diving in (I assume clear water if using a red filter)?
- Can you show us the video?
it was clear water off of gozo, 20m visibility 64gb SD card (my buddy has a 32gb one) as for settings and video comparisons i will grab them tonight and upload them
I am using both a GoPro4 Black and Silver. I use one in the left hand and the other in the right. The pictures from the Black were generally much greater than the Silver of the same subject and under the same conditions with the same orange filters on both cameras.

Both cameras appeared to have the same settings as well.

For that reason, I simply favored use of the Silver, because it gave better color. I have not had a chance to test the issue under more controlled conditions.
comcomtech you said the black was better but you favour the silver? did you mean black is better and you favour that or that the silver is better?
I made a typo--I meant the pictures from the Black were greyer (NOT greater). The pictures from the Silver seemed to have richer colours under the same environments and at the same depths. But this could be due to differences in configruation (although I didn't find any).

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