On the same boat skipper A has good relationships with all other operators
where there's a buoy shortage boats moor to each other on the same buoy
On the same boat skipper B has poor relationships with all other operators
where there's a buoy shortage, the boat has to find some other poorer site
so dives, are dives, yeah right, but poorer means a shark dive, or rock dive!
Skipper B also happens to be the boat owner, who advertises these shark
dives, but leaves port 60 minutes, later than the others, so no shark dives
So geography has no bearing on stupid, and it's the customer that suffers
good boat
skipper B by himself in the ocean and 12 in the water doing deco did not want to haul anchor so as not to hook anyone
he instead decided to trawl the anchor at 7 M through the middle of them, yes FL has nothing compared to what's here
You see over there it's the farther south
and then over here it's the farther north
You see the owner also suffers just doesn't know it