Ginnie Springs

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Central Florida
First, a little background info. Ginnie Springs is a commercial dive park and campground situated on the banks of the beautiful Santa Fe River in North Florida. The park has land access to 7 different springs, two of which lead to one of the most widely known divable cave systems in the world. The place attracts many, many thousands of visitor every year. Unfortunately, many of the visitors think that the river is a rather dandy trash can, and as a result, anyone drift diving the river in the past would be greeted by a disheartening amount of garbage on the river bottom.

Fortunately, the owners and managers of Ginnie Springs have dedicated themselves to a serious effort to clean up the section of river that borders their property. Earlier this summer, I took part in a clean up dive there, during which I personally removed six large bags of trash. After that, Ginnie Springs arranged several more cleanup dives throughout the summer.

A group of us ScubaBoarders get together for a weekend of camping and diving at Ginnie Springs twice a year, and everyone readily agreed to include another clean up dive in our itinerary during our latest get together, which was held this last weekend. The amount of trash that had been removed in the interim was incredible. On the first cleanup that I was a part of, a group of ~ 15 divers filled 4 canoes with trash. On the latest cleanup, 27 of us only managed to fill ONE canoe with trash, and it required a lot of hunting around to accomplish that. The difference that Ginnie Springs has made in such a short time is really noteworthy.

Such a commitment to the natural beauty and ecological health of the river while operating a for profit enterprise with the river and springs as the main attraction shows foresite that is all too lacking in today's business enviroment. All of this while opening up one of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen to be enjoyed by the general public.

Kudos to you, Ginnie Springs.
D I T T O !!!!

David , you said it best!

Gives you a good feeling to help out something you get such beauty from.

Jean "Da Beano"
Fort White , Florida
But we did have that canoe close to sinking with the load - including someone's tire.

Thanks again for organizing a great weekend.
But we did have that canoe close to sinking with the load - including someone's tire.

You could say that we came close to tiring surface support's canoe out.

It was a great weekend and even though not as much trash as in the past was removed, I thought it was commendable how Ginnie treated us. They had a boat on the surface roving the river to get trash from the divers without making us swim too far to deliver it, and when the dive was over they were right there to drive us back to the campground. All said and done, all the weekend made me want to do was help clean up the river inthe future!
Definite kudos to Ginnie Springs.

The last time I had support that good for a cleanup was up in a northeast Georgia National Forest area, and that was government help. (Of course, we had to be a bit creative on that one, as there were *several* pickup truck loads of tires to pull up the mountainside... but that's another story.)

I certainly need not feel apprehensive about driving 10 hours to attend any future cleanup with Ginnie, considering the excellent results of this one.
Excellent post SF. Ginnie Springs has done wonders in cleaning up "their" part of the river, and the support we had this past weekend was wonderful. Kudo's to Ginnie, ScubaBoard, DeepSeaWolf and you, ScubaFool for the part all had in organizing the cleanup.
Credit where credit is due,... David organised the entire cleanup with Ginnie. All I did was cook breakfasts. :) My understanding is that a group will be diving again on Nov 4th, SOUTH of the boat ramp where we were. This is NOT Ginnie supported, but is a cleanup in a bad area nonetheless. I was still impressed that we removd all that garbage. I actually had to dig trash out of the sand and reach under stumps and downed trees to get MOST of my bag-o-trash. Now if we can make a dent in the number of bottlecaps down there, we'll be seriously cleaning up.

I still want to know who recovered the truck tire! MY BC wouldn't have handled it!
I'm thinking a caver maybe? I never saw any liftbags, other than a few tubers... :wink:

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