Getting First Camera..PLEASE HELP

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Pacific Northwest
I'm looking to get our first camera. I currently am looking to get the Reefmaster Camera and Strobe Kit SL560. Is this a good camera to get started with? Open for suggestions.

Hi Aaron,

I use the Reefmaster Pro set, and I think its wonderful! I'm not super talented in the photography department and this camera is very forgiving. Plus, you can upgrade it with the Macro kits (8x and 16x lenses w/ framers). Haven't tried them yet, I'm still learning with the 3x lens (comes with the Pro set).

Since its mainly a "point and shot" type of camera, it gave me the time to learn judging distance and just getting used to the extra equipment while diving. And, its basically indestructable! For the price (about $320) it was definitely worth the investment.

Hope this helps!
Hi Aaron,

This question has came up a couple of times on this board. Try doing a word search on the subject, I think some of the old discussions would be helpful.

I use The Reefmaster with the external strobe. I'm new at underwater photography. I've only shot 4 rolls of film, and I'm very happy with the results.Some of my pics can be seen here
I think my prints look better than on the computer. We used the Kodak Sea and Sea processing. I think it helps a lot.

Hope this helps, Tavi

I looked at your photos and liked them alot. Looks like you've got a good start on your u/w photo experience.

I too am looking to purchase my first u/w camera. So I was glad to see some of the shots you've taken and how well they have turned out. And also some feedback on the Kodak Processing.

How deep were you when you took some of the dive buddy candids and the coral shots?

--Michael =-)

Thanks for the compliments.:)
The buddy shots were in 50 to 60fsw, Most of the coral shots were also,with the exeption of one site that was 75 to 85fsw.
With the Sea&Sea processing you have a choice of the size of the prints, and also a Kodak Picture CD which makes it easy to put stuff on the web (no scanning).

Good Luck !!


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