Gear Bag Zipper Broke!

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Reaction score
Pacific Northwest
# of dives
0 - 24
Hi there!
I was putting away my drysuit the other day, zipping it into its bag, when one of the zipper sliders just crumbled. Seems that it's made out of what looks to be rather cheap plastic. What's the best way to get it replaced?
depending on the manufacturer and where you purchased it there may be a warrenty issued by the manufacturer.We have sent back bags back and had them returned repaired or replaced.
And if a warranty is not an option, take it to a luggage repair store and have them remove the old zipper and put in a goodun . . .

the K
Hi there!
I was putting away my drysuit the other day, zipping it into its bag, when one of the zipper sliders just crumbled. Seems that it's made out of what looks to be rather cheap plastic. What's the best way to get it replaced?

Hi There,

Please contact your local Whites dealer to discuss the options that are avaliable. If there is a warranty issue it can be handled by our dealers.


Thanks all! While the bag is "new" in that it's only a few months old, I bought it from the original owner. So I'm guessing that it's likely not covered by warranty. But I'll give them a shout and see. If not, that luggage repair store sounds like a viable option.

Thanks again!

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