For sale are several random items which will be grouped by attached pictures. All prices are negotiable. Shipping from Ontario Canada extra.
Pic #1: Mares Avanti Quatro fins size Regular
Hollis F1 “batfins” size Regular $80
Pic #2: adjustment tools for Kirby-Morgan
regs (presumably) $30
Pic #3: random hardware, couple down line
spools, some Viking suit hoods $75
for the lot
Pic #4 “Barn fresh” reg stuff, Cyklon 300 first
and second (possibly used as a
hammer at some point), vintage USD
piston, Apollo DIN to yoke adapter
$60 for the lot
Pic #5/6 various pressure gauges, depth
gauges, compasses $20 for the lot;
Oceanic console with HP hose $30
Pic #7 three yoke valves (2 K, 1 J) $15 each
or $30 for all
Pic #8 Scubapro “pull-on” dry glove set $30
Pic #9 Halcyon Cinch system, 2 sets of
Halcyon comfort straps, extra set of
Cinch waist belt hardware $75 for all
Pic #10 DGX small pressure gauge in Bar,
never used $25
Pic #11 Halcyon knife sheath $15
Pic #12 neoprene mask straps Santi and
Hollis $20 for both
Pic #13/14 Beuchat VS second stage $20
Pic #15 Scubapro Air 2 $25
Pic #16 Omniswivel in-line shutoff 3/8”M to
3/8”F $25
Pic #1: Mares Avanti Quatro fins size Regular
Hollis F1 “batfins” size Regular $80
Pic #2: adjustment tools for Kirby-Morgan
regs (presumably) $30
Pic #3: random hardware, couple down line
spools, some Viking suit hoods $75
for the lot
Pic #4 “Barn fresh” reg stuff, Cyklon 300 first
and second (possibly used as a
hammer at some point), vintage USD
piston, Apollo DIN to yoke adapter
$60 for the lot
Pic #5/6 various pressure gauges, depth
gauges, compasses $20 for the lot;
Oceanic console with HP hose $30
Pic #7 three yoke valves (2 K, 1 J) $15 each
or $30 for all
Pic #8 Scubapro “pull-on” dry glove set $30
Pic #9 Halcyon Cinch system, 2 sets of
Halcyon comfort straps, extra set of
Cinch waist belt hardware $75 for all
Pic #10 DGX small pressure gauge in Bar,
never used $25
Pic #11 Halcyon knife sheath $15
Pic #12 neoprene mask straps Santi and
Hollis $20 for both
Pic #13/14 Beuchat VS second stage $20
Pic #15 Scubapro Air 2 $25
Pic #16 Omniswivel in-line shutoff 3/8”M to
3/8”F $25
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