I'd really like to see a serious discussion here.
ONLY of BRUSHED motor Gavins and SS's. ONLY of lead acid battery scooters. ONLY of Gavins and SS's. (no Dive Xtras, no Mako's, no Suex, or anything else)
Do Gavin's have any advantage over SS's?
I used a Gavin recently, and screwed it all up as apparently I rotated the batteries somehow...that doesn't happen with SS's. While discussing this with a diver, he mentioned that Gavin batteries can slide a little even while driving, or even during a dive, changing the balance of the scooter.
Additionally, the entire battery tray on the SS seems...well, more polished?
Gavin motors are all rewound, which means you can get a fast or slow one. SS motors are custom made by SS, and to better specifications than Gavin motors. The spindle thingy is thicker is key areas, the magnet cone thingy is cut from tubing not rolled steel so it is round, not "close to round." The brushboard uses better brushes and better wiring.
SS's can be turned off by unplugging a plug that is exposed as the nosecone, while Gavins are "always on."
SS use HDPE and have always used HDPE, while early Gavins used PVC, and used a variety of other materials for some areas, such as the nosecone. Perhaps it's not fair to compare older scooters, as SS has changed the motor, but before, SS was using the same motor as Gavins, so it's probably not too unfair to consider earlier scooters. I still see PVC Gavins selling for $2k...
Both use the same prop system.
I keep hearing things like "if you want to go downtown, you go on a Gavin."
Gavins were revolutionary for their time, but is there any reason why a SS is any worse than a Gavin? If anything, aren't they slightly better? Is there any reason the WKPP uses Gavins over SS's aside from the fact that they already have a huge fleet of Gavins? If all of their Gavins were destroyed, would they consider replacing them with SS's?
I have friends who use both, and i'm not trying to hate on Gavins, but I would like to know what other people think about them. I have a lot of respect for them, but I don't see any reason that an SS is any less of a scooter, and several reasons why an SS is superior.
ONLY of BRUSHED motor Gavins and SS's. ONLY of lead acid battery scooters. ONLY of Gavins and SS's. (no Dive Xtras, no Mako's, no Suex, or anything else)
Do Gavin's have any advantage over SS's?
I used a Gavin recently, and screwed it all up as apparently I rotated the batteries somehow...that doesn't happen with SS's. While discussing this with a diver, he mentioned that Gavin batteries can slide a little even while driving, or even during a dive, changing the balance of the scooter.
Additionally, the entire battery tray on the SS seems...well, more polished?
Gavin motors are all rewound, which means you can get a fast or slow one. SS motors are custom made by SS, and to better specifications than Gavin motors. The spindle thingy is thicker is key areas, the magnet cone thingy is cut from tubing not rolled steel so it is round, not "close to round." The brushboard uses better brushes and better wiring.
SS's can be turned off by unplugging a plug that is exposed as the nosecone, while Gavins are "always on."
SS use HDPE and have always used HDPE, while early Gavins used PVC, and used a variety of other materials for some areas, such as the nosecone. Perhaps it's not fair to compare older scooters, as SS has changed the motor, but before, SS was using the same motor as Gavins, so it's probably not too unfair to consider earlier scooters. I still see PVC Gavins selling for $2k...
Both use the same prop system.
I keep hearing things like "if you want to go downtown, you go on a Gavin."
Gavins were revolutionary for their time, but is there any reason why a SS is any worse than a Gavin? If anything, aren't they slightly better? Is there any reason the WKPP uses Gavins over SS's aside from the fact that they already have a huge fleet of Gavins? If all of their Gavins were destroyed, would they consider replacing them with SS's?
I have friends who use both, and i'm not trying to hate on Gavins, but I would like to know what other people think about them. I have a lot of respect for them, but I don't see any reason that an SS is any less of a scooter, and several reasons why an SS is superior.