DMP - chart will be very useful - be grateful if you could send it to me
OK, the course was fun. We did all the theory and math (this part was the worse - it took me some time to recall how you solve the equation with two unknown numbers). Then we learned how to clean the gear to have it O2 clean (the whole bottle of pure alcohol was used and surprisingly - although talking about Poles - this time the alcohol was not drunk)

And then the last part - practice - blending itself.
First I had to blend a tmx 28/20 up to 140 bars. Then calculate what nitrox I need to use to fill the tank up to 220 bars and have the O2 fraction up to 28% and what will be then the fraction of helium.
First I was blending with partial pressure and then the second part was continuous mix.
But as a woman must admit - I was a bit afraid of the noise these machines are making and that I will blow the whole place.

Now I only need to take a written exam - next week.
BTW- I will be blending for myself. My instructor and a group of us we have our own facility and we can blend there nitrox and trimix. We share the costs of gases so it's much cheaper than blending elsewhere. This was the major reason why I took this course - i wanted to be able to use our facility on my own - without asking for filling all the time.
Anyway i think this is a very good course that teach you a lot about gases - something we should know as divers.