I can't understand why anyone would have a problem buying any of these devices. From the safety angle, many of their boats are in places you could be LONG gone if they can't find you. We were on the Komodo Dancer and you could be in Australia in no time. Just washed away to around the corner of the next island might as well be in Australia if they can't find you. Of course there, the dragons would get you but that's another issue. From the cost point of view: this is a drop in the bucket compared to your trip cost. Almost like booking a luxury hotel room the day after returning, it's just a drop in the bucket of the whole trip. If you're paying multiple grand to get there, this is really nothing. If a couple hundred is a deal breaker then it sounds like you can't go anyway because you'll spend that on souvenirs from the natives on the trip. As for being after you book, again, it's your safety not a fuel surcharge. All that stuff is worth zero until you need it. Also think about it from their point of view: we'll be searching everywhere for you when we could have found you, and how will we feel if we lose one? I could also use this stuff diving at home. Just shorediving here in CA I could end up using it.