Fusion abrasion and cutting resistance

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Reaction score
North Texas
# of dives
100 - 199
Does anyone out there Wreck, or cave dive in their Fusion. Just wondering how resistant they are to damage.
I've been cave diving mine for two years. I've had two tiny punctures. One was due to repeatedly reboarding a SoCal boat that required you kneel on a metal mesh surface. The other (up on my right shoulder) is of unknown cause, but wasn't temporally correlated with any cave diving.

I have the sport skin, and the Lycra does just what they say it does -- it catches on something, stretches, and then springs loose. I have only one small hole in the Lycra, and that was from the aforementioned boat. It would be tempting to glue some knee pads onto the thin ones it already has, though; I just haven't gotten around to it.
I have had mine nearly two years as well with numerous wreck penetrations and around 70 cave dives. The only damage has been one small hole smaller than a pencil eraser in the left shoulder of the tech skin - easily fixed with a small iron mend patch.

I have had no leaks in the bladder itself.

It does not look tough but it is, and I say that from the perspective of having owned and used drysuits for nearly 20 years including some very well made trilam suits.


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Almost 2 years including some wrecks. The core's never been breeched, 1 urethane knee cover has a small hole from "repeatedly reboarding a [-]SoCal[/-] boat that required you kneel on a metal mesh surface." No caves & I don't shimmy into too many narrow spaces aboard wrecks much anymore either.

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