Fundies Day 2
Here we are again, 8 am at DCB, gear in the truck and off to Camp Cove for our first two dives. Liam briefs us on the day's activities and we head into the water, staged team descent down to 6m and we swim over to the training area where a caveline grid is laid out for drills. We spent over an hour swimming in a square working on our flutter and frog kicks while Liam videos and offers corrections. I did much better holding my trim and buoyancy than i was expecting, but kept getting dinged for moving my knees too much and not flattening out my fins between kicks. Then it was back up so the other's could change tanks and time for what I thought was truly cruel and unusual punishment.

. Practicing back kicks in 1m of water. Between the lack of depth and the surge, it felt like hell trying to maintain depth, trim and perform the kicks,but since it was just practice, it really paid off when we got back down to the grid for the next round of skills.
Dive 2 next, I need to soak my legs. Pain!!
---------- Post added April 9th, 2013 at 11:25 PM ----------
Ok, back to dive number 2.
Team descent back down to the grid and we performed the back kick, which I made a total mess of and the helicopter turns which aside from a bit of wobble, was otherwise spot on. After examining my boots, Liam suggested that my feet may be too buoyant which is why I couldn't straighten my legs out enough to set up for the back kick. I'm gonna change to a thinner set of booties and see if that helps out a bit.
Next up was individual sessions performing the 5 basic skills. Reg removal. Reg switch, s-drill, mask clearing and mask removal. Did fine on the reg removal and switching, but got stuffed up trying to clip off my primary because my d ring was set about an inch too low and I was doing an awkward chicken wing trying to get it on. S-drill went well to begin with, but when I was restowing, I got my spg tangled with my long hose. Try again and I got it. On to mask clearing, I inhaled too much before flooding and went up more than a metre before I completed the skill and on the mask removal, I did the exact opposite and planted my face firmly in the sand.
we took a 10 min break when an octopus decided to wander through our session and hovered in a circle watching it. Then the others ran through their skills and we called it a day and surfaced in the pouring rain to pack up and head back for lunch and the video debrief. I think I was rather surprised after reading the horror stories about other video reviews that mine was actually quite painless. A lot of this credit goes to Liam for coaching us well underwater and we were all pretty much aware of our errors going into it. While it was very critical, down to the smallest details, Liam kept it very positive and patiently explained all the things we needed to work on to improve.
After this we wrapped it up with some dive planning and decompression theory, cleaned up our gear and called it a day. My legs and ankles absolutely hate me right now, but I had such an amazing time and I can't wait till next week for the rest!