I had posted about a year ago about a new TBF Avenger airplane wreck that we had located and potentially identified. Both of the dives we conducted had very poor visibility and I had been wanting to go back and get a "real" photogrammetry model of the wreck. I went with Drew Wilson on Friday last week and we got lucky and had outstanding conditions.
Below is a link to the detailed post with photos and links to the online 3D photogrammetry model. This wreck has strawberry anemones accenting areas and that really came through in the model. It is probably one of the better ones I have done.
Here are screen captures of the "old" and "new" versions of the model along with a photo of the wreck. No points for guessing which is which.
And here is a photo from last Friday:
- brett
Below is a link to the detailed post with photos and links to the online 3D photogrammetry model. This wreck has strawberry anemones accenting areas and that really came through in the model. It is probably one of the better ones I have done.

“Full Stall Landing” Revisited (Point Loma — 150 fsw)
Intro We interrupt our regularly scheduled Antarctica posts to bring you (finally) some new post about rusted metal! Tyler and I found and potentially identified a new TBF about a year ago. We did …

Here are screen captures of the "old" and "new" versions of the model along with a photo of the wreck. No points for guessing which is which.

And here is a photo from last Friday:
- brett