The issue with the Guardian should be resolved pretty quickly.
Here is the latest on this:
Explanation: OTS had a few visors dislodged when a hard impact hit the visor/frame. Examples: Tank falling out of holder, Shark cage in heavy seas smashed side of 2nd stage breaking it and dislodging visor. Over 1,000 GFFM were sold with only 5 incidences but OTS felt they would redesign the upper and lower frame assembly which is happing now. ... Read More Absolutely NO one was hurt. This was a self implemented recall (we care about our customers). This will take about 90 days to rework the existing tool. So, OTS also made a quick fix. Four spring type clips which are inserted on the frame which holds the assembly tight together. How so, about 25 lbs. of pull will dislodge current visor. With clips it takes 106 lbs! Clips will be available in the next couple of weeks.