Full Face Mask Problem At Depth...

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Reaction score
Orlando, Fl
# of dives
200 - 499
Ok so here is how this starts. I have been using a NEPTUNE II FFM for several years now and absolutely love it. My previous mask had an OCEANIC DELTA 2nd stage on it which worked perfectly. Well, it was getting worn so instead of spending alot of money on this one I knew where I could get a good deal on another one brand new wit the factory NIRA REG. This came from a VERY LARGE authorized dealer and like I said is brand new in the package right off the shelf. Picked it up Friday, brought it home, gave it a good lookin over and then set it up on my regs and a bottle to check it out. Everything was perfect just like it should be for new merchandise. So, we go to Blue Springs yesterday to do a dive. Masked worked perfectly, performed just like my last one(without the leaks of the last one) and the built in factory reg performed flawlwssly. So my group calls this morning wanting to go back up to Blue to do another coupel of tanks with the kids today. We get there about 11am and get rigged and head to the water. Upon descent I notice that when I tried to clear the little bit of water that was left from donning the mask on the surface, there didnt seem to be much pressure in the purge. Didnt really think much of it, it didnt catch my attention as alarming????(probably should have but didnt) So we do the first tank and after a while head back to the cars for fresh tanks and SI. Head back to the water, descend to 60ft when my reg stops delivering air. I crank the cracking adj. all the way out till it freeflows a little but it still wont give air on demand. I signal my buddy and we start ascending. He knows about the problem but I told him I was ok for now although not getting much air besides what is bleeding off from the adj. being all the way out. Was having to "sip" the air. We get out, pull the faceplate and the demand lever is laying down against the spray bar???? No wonder I didn't have much purge on the first tank, the lever was working its way down to nothing. Quesiton is, how the hell does this happen on brand new equipment. Same stuff I and some friends have been using and are familiar with for years??? How tdoes it just work it self loose enough to stop delivering air?? And why did it wait till at depth to stop??? Luckily I didnt panic or have to bailout of the mask as my dumb butt didnt take my spare mask this time. I usually carry a spare regular mask so if I had to go to octo I could still see ok.
I'll refrain from commenting on why you dive Neptunes or why you didn't carry a spare mask. But I'm interested in the lever. Did it bend? What exactly allowed it to work its way off the "spray bar?" By spray bar I assume you mean the cylinder chamber that delivers the air...was the internal spring in contact with the lever? Please elaborate if you can... A lever can become unseated if some idiot screws a cover on without the diaghram in. The cover can grab the lever and twist it if the 2nd is held upside down while turning...I know, I've done it, the claws that hold the purge button to the apeks TX50 can do it ...perhaps someone was screwing with it before you bought it? Good job handling it..
I normally do carry a spare mask. Sometimes in the local springs when I go with friends or the kids "just to get wet" I don't always carry one. I am not sure exactly what happened to the lever. Like I said, when I pulled the cover on the reg and removed the diaphragm it was laying down on the nozzle. You could still push it about an 8th of an inch down to get it to deliver air but it would only come back up that far. It's like it just worked its way out of adjustment or something??? The lever wasnt bent that I could see. Made me think of running a pony all the time though with the pony's reg mounted on the regulator adapter that came with the mask. I know lots of people dont like Neptunes and am not sure why. This is the first problem I have had with one of them EVER. I am just not sure how or why it happened???
"I know lots of people dont like Neptunes and am not sure why."

Nose pins
Adjustment knobs
Yeah, the adj. knobs can be a little stiff but I like the equalization parts. I have never had a problem with the "nose pins" at all. In fact they work quite well for me. No idea on the problem though with the demand lever?? Ever seen one just come loose like that???
I'm not a dive mechanic. Having said that, it doesn't take brain power to find out what happened. If you can't see anything wrong it probably has something to do with where the adjustment knob meets the lever causing a severe restriction in movement.
Don't be afraid to take the whole thing apart. Of course if you do, then you void warranty and your responsible for your own life.
That's what scares me. So I just took it back to the store I bought it from and they gave me a replacement that we(myself and the tech on duty) checked before I left the store.
Neptunes work for some folks, but they are a poor design and have many inherent problems. There are much safer FFM out there. I tell people not to buy them but they end up with one anyway and have various problems. They end up selling them on ebay and then someone else gets stuck. If it was me I would try to get a refund. Buy a mask like the aga and it will work much better for you. I would dive a second hand aga before I would dive a new Neptune. There are reasons they have a bad reputation.
"I know lots of people dont like Neptunes and am not sure why."

Nose pins
Adjustment knobs

Just to add:

Poor design and materials.

Fldiver, don't take this personally, but, with not having anything to compare this mask to, it would be difficult to know what the problems are with this mask. The basic design is flawed from the onset. The position of the regulator is just a start. The only thing good that can be said about it is that it fits smaller faces pretty well.

Keep in mind, this is only life support...

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