
I can relate to the TMJ pain, I had it!I went to my Dentist to ask about it and was really amazed with the treatment plan he came up with, he knew I dive A LOT being a PSD and Insructor for rec/tec students,He put me on 200mg of Celebrex 2x a day,and called his brother-in-law who is Chiropractor, so I went over right away.
He examined me,did some sort of adjustment on the jaw, and connected me to some kind of muscle stimulating electrodes that looked like the machine came out of a bad BDSM porn movie.The first treatment was kind of weird as the elecricty makes the muscles around your eyes open and close your eyelid, and it worked its wonders around the jaw!The treatments were every 2 days for 2 weeks and voila!!I can use my handy AGA and my CCR (Megalodon) again.
Maybe you should see the Chiroprator, it won't! Oh!! It might a little at first:11:
Hope this helps you out some!:14: Dive Safe!!!