Ft. Lauderdale: Seeking Job in Scuba/Water Sports Industry

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I am searching for a job in the Scuba/Water Sports Industry in South Florida, ideally around Fort Lauderdale.

I am a recent college graduate with a degree in Business.

I would be interested in a position either working in a dive shop or on a dive boat, with a company where I would be able to work while having the opportunity to continue with my scuba training.

I have been on several diving adventures in locations such as Australia, Hawaii, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Key West.

I have been scuba diving since 2001.

A quick summary of my background includes my:
• Bachelor of Science Degree in Business
• Experience working with the public
• I have always had a love for the water, from the days in which I participated in swimming on a swim team, and has only grown stronger once I had the opportunity to become an avid scuba diver.
• I am also a novice Surfer, an activity when I was studied abroad in Australia.

You can either send me messages through the board.

Thanks in advance for any leads that anyone has to send my way.
I have a e-commerce Scuba website that I'm looking to start, as well as, ocean-related sports website thats AWIP. If interested in talking in more detail email: tropicaledit@yahoo.com or check eOceanstore.com By the way, that is NOT the scuba site I'm starting.

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