From scratch

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Hi all,

I'm thinking about starting to dive a little more seriously. I've only got about 20 dives logged so far, but the plan is to start diving a lot more as from now, so I'm also thinking about buying my own equipment. All I've got so far is a mask and snorkel, a knife and a watch. Any ideas on what might be a wise choice for my next investment? Please keep in mind that, being a poor university student and all, the latest range of bluetooth capable voice-operated infrared diving computers might not be the most logical option for me right now. OK, looking forward to your expert advice here.

You'll have to give us a bit more to go on - is the objective tropical diving as per some of the sites in your profile or cold water North Sea diving?
Recreational or tec?
Photography or wrecks?

You've done enough dives to start thinking where you want to take this.
Exposure protection, fins, regs and BC would be next, your choice of what to buy from the myriad available out there for each of these items depends on your chosen environment and long term goals.

I already had my wetsuit to do OW training in, along with mask, snorkel, fins (ie a freediving set-up). Then after renting a little around 20-25 dives i bought my regs and BP/Wings, at around 30 dives i got my computer, and now nearing 50 dives i am about to get some tanks - i have plenty more to buy though in time!
Hi all, All I've got so far is a mask and snorkel, a knife and a watch.
I'd make fins the next priority.

Thanks for the advice. I was thinking about maybe getting myself a wetsuit and some fins, yeah. I mainly do tropical diving, because I guess the nasty temp and vis in the North Sea just aren't meant for me. Sort of a fair-weather diver I suppose, at least for now. So a proper-fitting shorty and some reef-gloves might be a good choice. I'm not sure whether I'll get them over here in the Netherlands though, or when I get a little closer to the Equator. Somehow diving gear seems to get cheaper, the farther away I get from the poles. Anyways, I'll let you know when I decide what to get, and where to get it.


So a proper-fitting shorty and some reef-gloves might be a good choice.
Go for a full suit instead of a shorty. A full will give you more warmth and "critter protection" for not a lot more money.
Thanks for the advice. I was thinking about maybe getting myself a wetsuit and some fins, yeah. I mainly do tropical diving, because I guess the nasty temp and vis in the North Sea just aren't meant for me. Sort of a fair-weather diver I suppose, at least for now. So a proper-fitting shorty and some reef-gloves might be a good choice. I'm not sure whether I'll get them over here in the Netherlands though, or when I get a little closer to the Equator. Somehow diving gear seems to get cheaper, the farther away I get from the poles. Anyways, I'll let you know when I decide what to get, and where to get it.


Based on your reply, in this order of acquisition I would go for: Open Heel Fins & neoprene Boots -> Gloves(leather faced) -> Shorty Neoprene -> Light weight reg with light weight octopus & mini gauge (low weight for flying) -> Lycra (or skin, to use by itself when water is really warm or under shorty at night for full body coverage & protection) -> Light weight BC (same reason, flying with excess is expensive) ->
computer & other accessories.
The computer could move up in priority if the locations you normally go to have regs & BCs in good condition. In my experience this is not always the case.
I would rather have a good reg, BC, watch & tables than a nice shiny computer but an unreliable reg & BC.

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