@divinh - absolutely correct re almost all of the flights from Marquisas and Tuomotos back to Papeete. As the pilot I call partypants said "We look after our divers, they're the economy out here".
My flight back from Rangi to Papeete and supposed then ferry to Moorea was delayed ... Maybe not today...maybe two hours...coconut telegraph working well before PP appeared on the horizon (I suspect after a dive himself but hey, just a suspicion) from the Marquisas and banked around the whole atoll like a Redbull pilot causing the entire population of Rangi to jump in cars and dash for airport.
Flights are often pretty turbulent but on the upside if you're on a daylight flight in actual daylight, you get to see amazing reefs below you.
I personally didn't find anything worth a day away from diving at Blue Lagoon (caveat - visited there while crewing on yachts not a dive trip)
Also had an absolutely hilarious time on Bora Bora the most romantic island in the world as a solo female traveller purely because locals felt sorry for underfed pure Australian and kept feeding me whenever I tried to go for a walk, enjoyed a meal at Bloody Mary's (Table, went skateboarding with some local kids from the wrong side of the mountain....but would I go again? No. Done the overwater bungalow private island thing. Was the diving worth it? Nah I need more than fed lemon sharks and sergeant majors and one manta ray.
Would I recommend including BB - Hell yeah, it's beautiful, but a couple of days does it.
Moorea for me is a far nicer island. The people are more genuine and the strange purely FP system of hitch hiking still recommend everyone try it, it's a great way to learn about FP day to day life. Where ever you end up you will get a lift back to where you began road. Plus there is Caramelline Patisserie. That deserves its own island and makes up for the so so diving.
My flight back from Rangi to Papeete and supposed then ferry to Moorea was delayed ... Maybe not today...maybe two hours...coconut telegraph working well before PP appeared on the horizon (I suspect after a dive himself but hey, just a suspicion) from the Marquisas and banked around the whole atoll like a Redbull pilot causing the entire population of Rangi to jump in cars and dash for airport.
Flights are often pretty turbulent but on the upside if you're on a daylight flight in actual daylight, you get to see amazing reefs below you.
I personally didn't find anything worth a day away from diving at Blue Lagoon (caveat - visited there while crewing on yachts not a dive trip)
Also had an absolutely hilarious time on Bora Bora the most romantic island in the world as a solo female traveller purely because locals felt sorry for underfed pure Australian and kept feeding me whenever I tried to go for a walk, enjoyed a meal at Bloody Mary's (Table, went skateboarding with some local kids from the wrong side of the mountain....but would I go again? No. Done the overwater bungalow private island thing. Was the diving worth it? Nah I need more than fed lemon sharks and sergeant majors and one manta ray.
Would I recommend including BB - Hell yeah, it's beautiful, but a couple of days does it.
Moorea for me is a far nicer island. The people are more genuine and the strange purely FP system of hitch hiking still recommend everyone try it, it's a great way to learn about FP day to day life. Where ever you end up you will get a lift back to where you began road. Plus there is Caramelline Patisserie. That deserves its own island and makes up for the so so diving.