Yesterday while at the quarry, a group of us (4) decided to do a deep dive. The quarry reaches depths of 115 ft with temperatures in the low 40's below 60 ft. We decided that 1 buddy pair go one way & the other would go another. I was diving double 108's & my buddy was diving a single steel 104. We descended without much problem. The other team leveled off at about 70 ft & started on their way. I am not sure what size/ type tanks they were diving only that they were singles with no redundancy- which IMO is crazy in that environment;
I am a little puzzled by the "crazy in that environment" statement. They were diving single tanks at 70 feet - possibly going to 115 with a buddy. I am missing the crazy part of that plan. I am pretty regularly diving 70 to 100 feet with a single tank and don't view it as even remotely crazy. Low 40 degrees is cold but not outside of normal. What is the crazy part that I am missing? Personally I view shlepping doubles around to do rec diving as crazy but that is a whole other topic