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If you're a diver who'd like to put up a personal page for diving stuff (trip reports, pictures, whatever meets your fancy), or you're a dive club who'd like to put up a club page, please check out

[note to editor: heh, you beat me to it]
Sometimes, it kind of cracks me up that NEVER, NOT ONCE, before we started doing these things FOR FREE, did you ever see anyone trying to do this. Free Email, Free WebPages, Free this and Free that ... Then they all started popping up all over, and most have come and gone.

But, overall, I am glad to see others taking an interest is helping the industry, even if it is for future gain. What I don't like, and is rather destructive in nature, is people trying to get away with using our hard work for their promotions without at least asking.

We just opened up the NEW and IMPROVED so it doesn't look as pretty on the outside and whatnot but there is actually a TON of more functionality and such in it.

At, for those that don't know, we offer FREE EMAIL and FREE HOSTING with your pick from the following domains:

Currently, we have more than 25,000 users using the FREE EMAIL and I am not exactly sure how many of them have actually set up a webpage yet.
I've already PM'd you, of course, but in public I'd like a quick bit of clarification:

King_Neptune once bubbled...
What I don't like, and is rather destructive in nature, is people trying to get away with using our hard work for their promotions without at least asking.

In case anyone thinks I didn't ask King Neptune ahead of time, I most certainly did. And wasn't mentioned to me, otherwise I would not have tried "reinventing the wheel" as it were.

Now that I know it exists, I would in fact recommend over my hosting service.

....because it's too confusing! I only know very basic HTML and don't understand all the terminology. Just haven't had the time to try to figure it all out!
Heya Fetch,

ladydiver just told me you had mentioned it in PM, since I totally missed it. Then again I get so dang many that Im not too suprised that a PM slipped by me, sorry about that.

But, we have been doing the Free Email and Free Hosting now for over 5 years now. It's mentioned at least ONCE on every single page throughout all of the SSN pages (just over 300 domains) ... For example, scroll down to the bottom of this very page and you'll notice it's one of the links of every page on the forums. It's at least on the bottom of every page on all the sites.

One of the other members pointed out to me the post or I probably would have missed it completely. Basically, I don't mind things being mentioned like that but I usually like a little heads up for a few reasons...

1) I can warn the person how to mention it and not get flammed and/or so that one of the regulators doesn't delete it, etc.

2) I usually try to find a way to work WITH people on joint things like this, as my goals from the beginning henge around uniting sites and not excluding them.

It's just that so many people come here just to SPAM their crap that we are forever trying to curb that stuff before it gets out of hand, which is funny because if they do it right we don't mind. What I hate is the occasional HIT and RUN spams we get.

Sometimes I don't think people realize that I do all of this, 100% of this out of my own time and pocket ($$$). At $13.50 per domain per year (with over 300 domains), you can easily see what just the domain registration cost me each year let along the servers themself and then the bandwidth, etc. 100% of the website/forum stuff I do on my own, which keeps me over worked most of the time.

We are about to launch the next phase of services and things we have planned for some time so hopefully some will allow these sites to at least start paying for themself. They have to soon because I cant keep this up forever.

Im actually suprised you didn't know about since we do have over 25,000 ACTIVE users, that's not counting the more dormant accounts that only get used once in a blue moon. But in a way I guess Im not too suprised because I get people all the time asking why we dont do "This or that" and then I send them to a site where we have been doing it for ages. 2 of the larger examples would be like and ... They were the first and are still the largest sites of their type. Needless to say I dont get much sleep, hehe.

Anyway, no hard feelings and I hope you can understand why I jumped like I did. People don't realize why or how it can do so much damage to not keep things in check at times.

King_Neptune, is the hosting service all template driven, or can you upload custom web pages using an FTP program? I guess it would come down to whether or now we get a password and user.

Sounds interesting either way, I just like to do my stuff custom using macromedia dreamweaver.

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