A preserved puffer fish was donated to Diveheart years ago and we just realized that we forgot to name it. YOU can help name it tomorrow at the Diveheart Outreach Center at 5127 Main Street in Downtown Downers Grove from 10am till 3pm....and don't forget to get your FREE balloon creation courtesy of Diveheart
You will also receive a FREE award winning photo card from the famous underwater photographer Beverly Factor. The “Here’s lookin at You Kid” eye of the puffer fish photo card is FREE and all you have to do is help us name the puffer. See you there. #diveheart #pufferfish #beverlyfactor #photography #balloons #balloonart #downersgrove #downersgroveillinois #charity

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You will also receive a FREE award winning photo card from the famous underwater photographer Beverly Factor. The “Here’s lookin at You Kid” eye of the puffer fish photo card is FREE and all you have to do is help us name the puffer. See you there. #diveheart #pufferfish #beverlyfactor #photography #balloons #balloonart #downersgrove #downersgroveillinois #charity

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