Found Treasure!!!

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Aussie Aussie Aussie... Oi Oi Oi!
# of dives
500 - 999
So I was digging through my c-card wallet this morning to determine which first aid qualifications I hold (I'm filling out job resumes --if you know someone who's looking for a librarian, get me on the horn please!), and I found a pleasant surprise.

Yes, even better than the fortune cookie I discovered from

Yes, even better than the day I was in the library and really wanted coffee, but didn't have any pocket change, and magically found $2 laying on the floor in the stacks but no one around within 6 shelves.

Give up?

I found $50 tucked away! I had put some tip money in my c-card wallet when I went to Coz., and forgot to take it back out.

In adding this to the $1.18 I saved at Safeway with my club card, I can officially book the cruise.

Moral of the story is you all should definitely take me along diving with you next time you go. I don't eat much and I'm housetrained. We just might find something worth selling in the dangerous lake. :)

Actually, I think it'd be super fun to become a golf ball diver at a course. That is, as long as we can dive when people aren't playing. That would be a real inconvenience, being underwater and getting beaned with a ball. *ping!*

So have any of you ever gone through your gear and magically come across something cool you forgot you had?
Well, this is a little different but...

Not so long ago, I was a Coke addict. Coca Cola... you sickos! But for the past three months I have been drinking water only... and a lot of it! So... today... after climbing North Mountain, sitting here on SB eating a protein bar, I went to the window where outside my wife was working in the garden. I was dyin' for a drink but I left my water all the way at the other end of the house. That's when I spotted my wife's Diet Coke sitting on the sill. Now... in my Coke days, I never would have taken a sip of the diet drink... yuk! But it looked cold and wet. What the heck, I thought. I took a drink... wow.. that tastes... um... OK! Huh... who'd a thunk it! I can drink diet coke! Yea... I can drink diet coke... yea! :D
Actually, I think it'd be super fun to become a golf ball diver at a course. That is, as long as we can dive when people aren't playing. That would be a real inconvenience, being underwater and getting beaned with a ball. *ping!*
Yeah that'd be a blast. Silt up to your knees in the older ponds, Rattlers occasionally take a dip, and some of the courses use toxic chemicals to keep the algae in check. Could be worse though, in Florida there's some pretty big gators that call them home. I was digging for my ball when I heard a big splash about 10' away.

Don't think you have to worry about getting hit though - except on the surface - as the water resistance slows the balls down immediately. The reason I know this is when I was younger we had a pool and being bored one afternoon...
Stephen Ash:
I can drink diet coke! Yea... I can drink diet coke... yea! :D
Tried Coke One? - if you liked diet coke, you'll be ecstatic..
Oh... here's another.

Since I started my life change 3 months ago... and in preparation for more cave training... I have lost 5 inches off my waist and hips. My body fat % has dropped from 17% to 12%. Weight has stayed about the same as I have built lean muscle mass. I wasn't crazy fat when I started... 180 lbs 6ft tall... but the last decade has seen me put on fat where it wasn't needed while my muscle mass declined. Anyway... running, riding my road bike, eating healthy, and some serious strength conditioning has greatly improved my strength, endurance, anaerobic threshold... and most of all, my form.

So... I went to the scuba closet last night. I have decided to dive wet on my upcoming cave trip and I thought I had better look to see what I had in there. (I have been diving dry for the past 5 years except for some shortie warm water stuff on occasion.) Here's the treasure... My 3 mil full... that I used to wear 6 years ago... now fits! Wow! It has been a belly/chest squeezer for several years... I used it unzipped for a time then finally had to give it up. Fits great now!

It won't be too long before I can wear that nice 6 mil Excel that I bought from Paul 10 years ago. ( I have another 7 mil semi-dry Excel that is about 4 years old... gonna try it today. Wish me luck.)
I've found that ski pants are the same thing. I always have a $20 or a $50 stashed somewhere in the pockets.
Yeah, but given my record for being a Victim of Strange Occurrences, I'm sure something could be arranged in terms of getting whacked in the head with a ball...

Gators schmators. Steve Irwin played with them and he was just fine. It was when he stepped out of his realm and swam with the rays that he met with his demise. But, once again, I'm sure something can be arranged...

Yeah that'd be a blast. Silt up to your knees in the older ponds, Rattlers occasionally take a dip, and some of the courses use toxic chemicals to keep the algae in check. Could be worse though, in Florida there's some pretty big gators that call them home. I was digging for my ball when I heard a big splash about 10' away.

Don't think you have to worry about getting hit though - except on the surface - as the water resistance slows the balls down immediately. The reason I know this is when I was younger we had a pool and being bored one afternoon...
Congrats Stephen. Great accomplishment!
You'll be in better condition to withstand the wrath that is known as Fernando....:wink:

Yes... I fear the Fernando! It took me quite some time to recover from the last go round!

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