Found - Dive Computer

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Reaction score
Seattle, WA
# of dives
25 - 49
I found a dive computer at Edmonds UW Park last weekend. If anyone lost it, please PM me to describe and claim.
Very amirable Rachel, very admirable!
What can I say? I'd sure hope someone turned mine in, if I lost it.

I found a dive computer at Edmonds UW Park last weekend. If anyone lost it, please PM me to describe and claim.

Rachel, if you can ... contact Underwater Sports in Edmonds and let them know you found the computer. Lots of people don't visit internet boards, but do call UWS to see if anyone found their lost gear.

Like others have said, I admire your honesty ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Rachel, if you can ... contact Underwater Sports in Edmonds and let them know you found the computer. Lots of people don't visit internet boards, but do call UWS to see if anyone found their lost gear.

Like others have said, I admire your honesty ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I went to UW Sports in Edmonds day of and left my info. I also posted a notice at the site. Like I said before, I would really be bummed if I lost my computer and would hope someone else would do the same and try to get it back to me. I could never keep the computer without feeling guilty about it if I didn't try to get it back to its rightful owner.
Hey Rachel,
There is a chance it could be mine (I send you a PM). I looked at my depth and the next thing I know it was gone...I was bumming big time

Hey Rachel,
There is a chance it could be mine (I send you a PM). I looked at my depth and the next thing I know it was gone...I was bumming big time

Hey gorgipark,
Welcome to SB and I hope Rachel did in fact find your DC.
FYI: the mystery has been solved and the dive computer returned. Happy ending for all involved.

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