Fossils on display in Charleston, SC

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Lee Taylor

Crusty old diver
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Charleston, South Carolina, United States
# of dives
200 - 499
The annual Cypress Gardens Fossil show was held yesterday in Goose Creek SC. The fossils came from the Cooper River, the Edisto River, the Savannah River, the PCS Phosphate Mine, and quite a few other places. Collectors gathered together and layed their personal collections on the tables for the public to view. Many thanks to Bill, Phil, Patrick, Kim, and the many others that allowed the public to enjoy viewing their private collections.


American Indian Tomahawk

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The annual Cypress Gardens Fossil show was held yesterday in Goose Creek SC. The fossils came from the Cooper River, the Edisto River, the Savannah River, the PCS Phosphate Mine, and quite a few other places. Collectors gathered together and layed their personal collections on the tables for the public to view. Many thanks to Bill, Phil, Patrick, Kim, and the many others that allowed the public to enjoy viewing their private collections.


American Indian Tomahawk


Lee, Thank you very much for those pics. That Saber Toothed Tiger skull is absolutely AWESOME. That is what my dreams are made of. Do you know if that came out of the Cooper? Thanks again for posting. Mark
Hello Deep,

I am happy to share the photos. It is a hobby and I enjoy meeting others with the same areas of interest. My girlfriend was with me and she was listening to the owner of the Saber Toothed skull tell about where the items were found. He identified the skull as being found somewhere other than the Cooper River, yet my girlfriend brought it to his attention twice that it was "marked" Cooper River. He politely ignored her observation. He also said the HUGE copper colored Mastodon teeth, and jawbone, were found in the Cooper River. Did you happen to notice that item? You might want to take a second look. I met a collector at the show named Bill. He was up from Savannah GA. He had a fabulous display of Megs. His site is He sells quality material for someone that is interested. It will not last.
Hello Deep,

I am happy to share the photos. It is a hobby and I enjoy meeting others with the same areas of interest. My girlfriend was with me and she was listening to the owner of the Saber Toothed skull tell about where the items were found. He identified the skull as being found somewhere other than the Cooper River, yet my girlfriend brought it to his attention twice that it was "marked" Cooper River. He politely ignored her observation. He also said the HUGE copper colored Mastodon teeth, and jawbone, were found in the Cooper River. Did you happen to notice that item? You might want to take a second look. I met a collector at the show named Bill. He was up from Savannah GA. He had a fabulous display of Megs. His site is He sells quality material for someone that is interested. It will not last.

Lee, Here is my thoughts on his "marking" of the skull. He either found it in the Cooper and is just trying to throw people off. This way no one goes looking for his "honey hole" that he has. OTOH, he found it somewhere else and marked it Cooper to throw people off, this way no one goes looking for his "honey hole" that he has.

Either way, I would say he has a spot and does not want to give up the info. I can't say I would want to share with the world either. Maybe a friend or two but I would be leary of just announcing it to everyone.

I can't tell from the pic, was it all busted up and cracked and he glued it back together again? Honestly, it wouldn't matter to me. I did see some of the Mastadon teeth. I do also like the pic you have of what appers to be a tusk. The white semi-circular item. That would be awesome. I would almost be half tempted to try and let someone carve the ivory for me. Don't know though. Anyway, I am dreaming, still praying for that job down your way and a chance to come dive the Cooper all the time. Take care, Mark
I do also like the pic you have of what appers to be a tusk. The white semi-circular item.

The show was a great time. I met a lot of really nice people. I think everyone enjoyed the photos Lee put up. I saw a lot of things there that I have never run into before. For example, the white thing you mentioned was a hippo tooth that Henry brought. I could not believe that they were anywhere near that long!!! No wonder they say that those things are dangerous.
In regards to the ivory. Many years ago I was on a dive boat offshore Myrtle Beach, geared up, and ready to splash-in on the Governor. The boat captain reached in his front pants pocket and pulled out a open hand with about 3 or 4 poker chips in it. The cool thing was, the chips were made of ivory. He then led us to believe they came off of the shipwreck we were diving on. They may have. I have seen all kinds of things come out from under the sand on that particular wreck. It does not take much to impress me. Those ivory poker chips hit a primal nerve. So I dove down, found me a spot and starting digging like a rabid dog. I found no chips.

In regards to employment, if you send your resume over, I will keep an eye out for you. One never knows. In regards to unemployment, most everyone I know is facing foreclosure on their home, is unemployed, or close to it.
First I would like to say thank you for your posting of the pics from the fossil show at Cypress Gardens. My father and I were the ones who you talked to at the Dark Water Fossils table. We have been diving the copper river for over 17+ years and we are in charge of the Fossil exhibit at the Santee canal park in Moncks Corner. On display were several fossil casts of cat skulls that were either purchased from or We also have several other unique cat skulls that were cast for us only. The Felis Atrox ( American Lion ) and the Smilodon Fatalis ( Sabertooth ) were clones of the Le Brea specimans. The were to show what could be found in the waters of the Cooper River, although we have several pieces from the cats in our collection, ie the saber in the shadow box. It was found by my father after about a month of diving in a spot in the Cooper River. The other cat skulls , Meganteroen, Eusmilus, metal ursus and Machaedus ( I think thats how you spell it, lol ) were also shown for size comparison to Atrox and Fatalis, although can be found in SC as well, along with Arctodus Simus ( Short-faced bear ), musk ox and giant beaver. My Father and I also have several specimens of those animals on display in the museum.

I'm sorry if it sounded that we were not answering your questions about the skulls. It was kinda busy that day and we get really excited when we can talk about fossils, lol. Where does the time go anyway. I hope that gave a little insight to the show and if you have any questions or want a private tour of the museum let us know. We put all our stuff on display for the world to see what was here and not in some storage box in the back of museum safe.

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