My wife and I made our first Indonesia trip onboard the Coralia - from Sorong to Sorong - 12 days from Misool (south) up to Wayag then back to Sorong. We did it on a special Christmas2023/New Years2024 cruise and it was spectacular. We have been on 10 liveaboard trips around the world and the Coralia was BY FAR the best boat and crew we have experienced. The diving was spectacular - we did 32 dives in total -several night dives. It's not the cheapest liveaboard - but well worth it!! HIghly recommended! MIsool is spectacular with soft coral and the further north you go the less soft coral - but all sites are gorgeous and fun to dive. We saw tons of Mantas and Wobbegong sharks as well as lots of macro critters.
Now, as I indicated on the start of this thread - we are strongly considering the forgotten islands/spice islands trip - just to see different part of Indonesia. That said, we will go back to Raja sometime.
Best of luck with your planning!