I'm getting ready to take a Watermanship test, for a Public safety Dive team. One of the tests is an 800 yard snorkel swim. i can do the swim in the time set, but my feet are killing me. Most of the pain is in the balls of my feet. I changed to split fins and it helped, but the pain is still there. I know they fit ok, so that's not the problem.
My next step would be to Force Fins. My concern is how they compare in speed. I am ok speed wise, but don't want to work harder to keep my speed. So, how are the Forcefins Pro or Excelerating Force when it comes to speed compared to split or blade fins?
Also, any idea when the excerating or the flying force will be brought back to market.
My next step would be to Force Fins. My concern is how they compare in speed. I am ok speed wise, but don't want to work harder to keep my speed. So, how are the Forcefins Pro or Excelerating Force when it comes to speed compared to split or blade fins?
Also, any idea when the excerating or the flying force will be brought back to market.