Way back in the day, it used to be a party hang out spot for kids in NW austin. I have dove it a couple of time, many, many moons ago. The water was often kinda nasty, and vis sucked except in winter, when would open up a bit if no rain recently. Only plus at time was that people dumped vehicles in it after joy rides, so always chance of coming on a vehicle, and someone else said they had seen some other equipment left from quarry ops, but I only ran across an old truck(maybe from quarry ops) and a lot of trash. Usually a dive there would leave a pretty funky smell that was hard to get out of equipment, so only dove there a couple of times, usually in response to rumours that someone had just dumped a car into it. Now I think they have made kinda a park area out of it there behind those office complexes and the power station near 183 and Braker. Have no idea if anyone still attempts a dive there or whether it would be legal (don't think it really was when we were diving it, just a drive down a 4 by trail to a big hole full of water).