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Reaction score
Richmond VA
# of dives
200 - 499
I decided on a Zeagle Escape BC, a ScubaPro MK25 S600 reg, and an Oceanic DataMax Pro Plus computer.

I also am buying DMPP computers for my son and my husband. My husband got a used ScubaPro MK20 G500, and we bought my son a new SP25 G250HP reg.

My son and husband are renting BC's for this trip. We are all going to Cozumel in a week.

Aaargh -- guess after paying for my daughter's wedding and the Coz trip and all this gear we'll have to hunker down for a long while. Oh well -- will have to keep the cars for another year, even though one's a '96 and the other is a '94. Diving is more fun.
After all your research and questions...looks like you have a great package!
Well, you know you should have got ......

Jest Kiddin! - Have fun in Coz! (if you you have time/money/inclination - the cavern diving on the mainland is neat!)

Have fun in Coz. I am diving Coz this September. Let us now how you like the trip and your new equipment. I know you will be happy with those regs, I love my ScubaPro Mk20/G250.
Have fun on your trip, and dive alot. When you get back just to keep diving and enjoying the sport you can always come down to Lake Rawlings, Va and do some diving. I go with Lynnhaven Dive Center out of Virginia Beach and we campout and do the weekend. It is a blast and everyone just has a great time.

Rich :mean:
So what is there to see in Lake Rawlings? How's the visability?

srkdvr, we are going Saturday if you are free... There are only 2 of us confirmed so far, but the more the merrier. We are going at around 9 am and staying till they kick us out or we hit saturation :D

Anyway, check out for the info you asked about...

The vis is good (30-50' usually) and there is some sunken junk to look at (boats, signs, school bus, computers, cars, etc.) ...good for training, not much else...


P.S. THANK GOD YOU DECIDED ON A COMPUTER...if this doctor thing doesn't pan out you could always get a job with Consumer about thorough :wink:
Originally posted by O-ring

P.S. THANK GOD YOU DECIDED ON A COMPUTER...if this doctor thing doesn't pan out you could always get a job with Consumer about thorough :wink:

Yep -- most people have accused me of being thorough in my doctoring too.

Originally posted by O-ring
srkdvr, we are going Saturday if you are free... There are only 2 of us confirmed so far, but the more the merrier. We are going at around 9 am and staying till they kick us out or we hit saturation :D

Anyway, check out for the info you asked about...

The vis is good (30-50' usually) and there is some sunken junk to look at (boats, signs, school bus, computers, cars, etc.) ...good for training, not much else...

Do you have room in your group for a newly-certified diver from Raleigh, NC?

I've got two dives under my belt this past weekend at Fantasy Lake in Rolesville, NC and that's it other than my 4-cert dives.

Do you have room in your group for a newly-certified diver from Raleigh, NC?

Nobody in the group is very experienced...if you can make it, the more the merrier! We may have to just buddy up as a threesome since one of the guys from my local dive club bailed...right now there are only 2 of us (plus my girlfriend who is going just to hang out - she likes warmer water) :)

I would love to hear about Fantasy DIRF class is there next month and I hear the vis stinks...

PM me if you decide for sure you are going and I will describe us so you can find us...

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