Ron Brandt:The list is a great source but don't discount going to Kelley's.....not all Mexican but a great time.
My best experiences are with the locals. Look for Pastor Stands and small places that are busy.
A place I really like is is owned and run by "Donny" who has worked for Papa Hogs for years (yes he is still there too). He can be found in the evening accross the street from the community sport field.
Enjoy the friendlyness of Donny and his wife,Cream Soda Negra and traditional Mexican take out....
"Dinning" is one thing,eating great mexican is another. Donny's Sopes are fantastic as well as the hamburguesa's.I really like Donny,he is hard working and an all around nice guy. You can talk to him in the "cave" at Papa Hog's...where Pelagic was last year.
Yes, my list is far from exhaustive...can't possibly include everywhere...but tried to put a nice variety on there.
I didn't know Donny had another little place! I'll have to try it out!!!