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Bennington Vermont, USA
Pretty soon, at the end of the month my vacation starts. I work all year so that I can go diving for one week.

This year our group is going to Cozemel in Mexico. Last year I almost got screwed.

I had my dive gear in one bag, underwater video in another and my duds in another. My wife just dropped me off at the terminal and drove off.

When I got to the ticket counter the clerk said that since Nassau is an international flight I could only check 2 bags. So what do I do with the 3 rd bag.?

Fortunatly a couple in our group adopted my bag since they only had 3. The clerk didn't want to let this happen and had to check with her supervisor.

So the camera stays home this trip.

Has anyone flown out of country in the last month or so?? How are flight conditions.?
How many clothes do you need? If you're going to be diving most of the time, a set of clothes should last you at least a couple of days. For a week 3 t-shirts, 3 shorts, and clean undies every day are all that's needed....and that can be packed in and around camera and dive gear. Try it!

I'll do laundry in the sink before I leave a camera at home! :eek:
I don't know Dee... he might need a few sundresses. I always make room for mine.

I don't know, Hoover. You'll look mighty cute walking the boardwalks at CCV in a cute little sundress. I'd get a closer shave on those legs, though! :hiding:
These solved all our dive trip packing problems. They're "packing cubes" in various sizes, and also folding packs for pants and sleeved shirts. We've gone with only an Akon roller bag each on trips up to 2 weeks (but could have stayed longer with the same amount of clothes). Here's how I pack our bags:

Wet suit(s) first. BC on top of the suits, flush to the top of the compartment. We put one medium pack-it and the folder inside the BC. Clip the BC up as tightly as possible. The small pack-it shoves anywhere in the top or bottom of the main compartment of the bag, wherever there's room. 1 pair of shoes fit between the bottom of the BC and the bag edge, another on the side. Mesh bag on top, clip the luggage straps and you're done. Lights go inside gloves and they get shoved into the fins that go one in each side fin pocket. One bootie in each fin pocket where there's a gap btwn the blade and bag. Reg & computer pack into reg back and have an outside pocket (or get carried on).

This works like a charm every time. My 6'2" husband has a Zeagle Ranger, wears XXL and has size 13 shoes. If he can do it, anyone can! On avg, his bag weighs in at 60lbs, mine at 53lbs.

We travel with a complete digital camera set up and a Nikonas set up (arms, strobes, housing, the works). The camera equipment gets packed in a small roller bag carry-on. I also take a roomy Speedo pack back with a set of clothes, essentials, books etc.

You can buy Pack-It systems at most large outdoor outfitter, camping, sports type stores, or online from or several other luggage/outdoor outfitter sites. They are well worth the investment. They're also great with all the new security because the tops are mesh so the guards can see what's inside and they don't unpack your whole bag.
But, do you have room for those sundresses? (Seriously, all sounds like good advice.)
Make sure you get a picture of Hoover in his sundress.. And a close up of those legs. We'll view it at the 04 Roatan trip on the big screen!

I carry the camera stuff on, and pack the scuba stuff in their own regular suitcase. Also check a bag for my clothes and personal items. Each all being under 60 pounds. So that's check two, carry one.
Most airlines allow 2 checked bags, one carry-on and one personal item. That's four bags total if they are within size limits. If you push the limits you can carry on a good deal of stuff. Watch out - most airlines are now charging $80 for a third checked bag, regardless of how many carry-on bags you're taking with you.

For a warm-weather/warm water dive trip I'll pack a large akona roller bag full to the gills with my dive gear and clothes. I then put my camera (Sea&Sea MX-10 with addtl attachments) in a Pelican 1450 case that fits into a smallish size carry-on suitcase that has wheels and backpack straps. I then put my regulators and necessary personal items into a very small backpack that zips onto the carry-on. If I have to lug them around between flights I don't have to bother with carrying them on my back or shoulder, but those are still nice options for flexibility and ergonomics. I can either check the camera case or carry it on.

For an upcoming cold water trip we will be bringing HID lights and drysuits so we will likely have 2 large checked bags each plus a carry-on (either lights or clothing) and "personal" item. My HID light case doesn't fit into any carry-on suitcases that I own so I might have to carry it by hand or bring a small folding cart for it between flights.

There's always the option of shipping gear to/from your destination via UPS or FedEx.
I did get a few thoughts here.

They say that there is a lot of reef diving at Cozemel. I think a video camera isn't much good on a reef. But if I don't bring it I'll regret it later.

I could get a duffle bag and put the whole camera bag in it and pile my other personal stuff on top. Hmmmm.

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