Flower Gardens pics

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I finally got off my duff and uploaded my Flower Gardens pics. You can see the album HERE .
Thanks! Would be great if you could post some of your pictures to the Scuba Gallery here on ScubaBoard (so we don't need to register with ImageStation)...
Imagestation wants me to sign in to view them. Sorry, I don't need the spam! I bet they're good ones!
Imagestation wants me to sign in to view them. Sorry, I don't need the spam! I bet they're good ones!

FWIW, I've use Sony ImageStation a number of times to have digital images printed. Joining their site has not resulted in getting spammed.
I just can't bring myself to sign on.

Great pics Des! I love the b&w also, they look great. You took some good pics, but what's that funny lookin' critter on pic 40? Looks kinda familiar but can't place it. :D

I'm gonna have to get a camera one of these days...also a new tank, a new hood, a computer, umm...and maybe something else.

Cuda, it didn't hurt a bit to sign in. Besides, I used one of my extraneous email accounts to register. If I run into spam I can just delete the entire account.

Tony, tell me more about this resort...hmmm.
My favorite pic is the last one you posted, #41 or #158 (however you look at it, LOL). It has every shade of blue in it, truly great pic. You should make a blow up of that pic and frame it for your home. Good work!
I just can't bring myself to sign on.


I feel your pain! Hate filling out all that personal info in order to log in to a site- but this is the most painless one I've ever done. A few quick lines and it's done. Very painless, no personal info needed. It's worth it, they're really good pics.


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