Flower Garden pictures

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Fort Worth, Texas
Just returned from a weekend trip to Flower Gardens in the Gulf of Mexico........120 miles offshore from Freeport, Texas

Weather and vis were great, but we didn't see any whale sharks or manta rays on this trip........just lots of brain coral and fish and a rig dive. We got in a total of 8 dives on Saturday and Sunday.

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kdietz once bubbled...
Just returned from a weekend trip to Flower Gardens in the Gulf of Mexico........120 miles offshore from Freeport, Texas

Weather and vis were great, but we didn't see any whale sharks or manta rays on this trip........just lots of brain coral and fish and a rig dive. We got in a total of 8 dives on Saturday and Sunday.

Glad to see someone else who takes the Sea Searcher. I see a lot more Fling/Spree posts. Personally I prefer the Sea Searcher with less people on board.

IIRC they do 9 dives. 5 on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. Was there a problem or was it just a timing issue? I know they cancel the night dive if there are tigers in the area.

Oh yea, great shots. :)

Great shots of the oil rig!

What are the conditions like there? We went to one here in SoCal, and there's so much plankton in the top 30 feet that very little sunlight makes it through to the lower parts - even though the visibility clears up, it's impossible to get good wide-angle shots. It made for kind of disappointing photos after our trip - yours do a much better job of capturing what it looks like under those things!

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your gallery site. :)
Karl, those photo's are great. I've been spending the better part of my day flipping through you galleries.

I also noticed you live in Fort Worth. I'm actually just up the road from you in Arlington near Joe Pool Lake.

I'd love to dive with you guys some time and possibly get some pointers on how to bring home some better photo's.

I just got back from Cozumel, and want to try Flower Gardens soon. You seem to make plenty of trips to just about everywhere.

I'm jeleous! :wink:

I think the Sea Seacher only does a max of 8 dives. Otherwise it would be too late when they return.


Glad you like the oil rig shots. The vis in the Flower Gardens was 100', but at the rig it was probably down to 70'. The plankton wasn't too bad though and we were able to get plenty of light in our shots.


Thanks for the comments. We don't dive around locally very much, but when we do it's usually over at Clear Springs in Terrell. I would be happy to share from my mistakes over the last year or so shooting digital. I noticed in another post that you had trouble with your DS-50 and digital sensor. I prefer the sync cable and manual controller so I don't have to depend on the digital sensor. We've had a lot of success with the sensor, but our results vary too much. I am very happy with the DS-125's. Opinions vary, but I think it's hard to beat.

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