Suggestion Florida kayak diving subforum

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supreme yak diver in charge
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Punta Gorda,FL
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
I would like to propose the forming of a Florida kayak diving subforum. I believe there is sufficient interest to warrant such an addition to the Florida Conch Divers forum.
OK, I might have spoken out of turn here. I thought Mike was adding to the list as people wanted in. I didn't realize we needed to add ourselves. So please add me to the list of the LESSER Tampa Bay Yakkers or whatever we are going to decide to call ourselves. Also dkramer should be added too, as I'm not sure she realized she needed to ask either.
Geeze...did you guys decide to just dump me or what?
Dump you? I thought you were onboard and just waiting to be number 12. Did you not know about this? I did post a link to it. I'm sorry if I inadvertently left you out, it was not intentional.
Not to worry, there are sufficient votes to support the creation of a new club forum.
ok guys, we have more than enough support. We need to decide on a name for the florida kayak diving forum. I have written a preliminary description :Uniting all Florida kayak divers (East Coast, West Coast, Keys and Inland) with the aim of organizing group outings, dives, participating in organized events and introducing newbies to the wonderful world of yak diving. Feel free to add, ammend or edit as you think appropriate.

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