Try to find a good instructor. I just used the phone book and wasn't thrilled with the results. I got better results by searching on here. I found a good instructor for our advanced open water and he is a tech instructor so we will be able to continue with him as we feel the need. When we did this we had one experienced diver for each of us. It was still a risky adventure but we didn't know what we didn't know. We did do a lot of things right but things can cascade. I'm glad you love it. It is a great thing for couples. My wife and I are experiencing a connection in our marriage that is beyond what we have ever had. We've never had an activity that was equally appealing to both of us. In the past we took turns trying to take part in the things that the other person liked to do. I'm so glad she talked me into trying it. Being landlocked, it seemed impractical but we got over that.