I've been diving for quite a while and seen alot of interesting stuff happen. Most interestingly is when people rent gear out and bring back a flooded regulator. While they know that their is a piece of rubber dangling from the yoke that's called a "dust cover" it also helps prevents water from getting into the first stage when you dunk it a tub. Most experience divers know this. In fact that's probaly the first thing we check before doing so. My favorite part is when they turn it in and the rental department says "hey you just brought me back a flooded regulator", and all hell breaks loose. If I recall correctly, the first stage needs silicone grease or cristo-lube to perform the way it suppose to. Am I right? I also recall that if water does get in the first stage it will harm the regulator all together. Is it me or maybe some of these "divers" are just flat out retarded? And of let's not forget the excuses, "I didn't know that was suppose to be their, or no one told me to put that their". Please.