Thanks for the feedback, messier, to this and my other question about Whiskers. I'll keep your tips in mind.
One place I notice the problem is when hovering in place to observe a critter, etc, especially if I'm in a slight head-down position. Then it's like my FFs have had a swig of Red Bull. In that instance, something besides kick technique is required.
Back to my earlier question - will Sharks Teeth or Whiskers add enough weight to neutralize fin buoyancy?
One place I notice the problem is when hovering in place to observe a critter, etc, especially if I'm in a slight head-down position. Then it's like my FFs have had a swig of Red Bull. In that instance, something besides kick technique is required.
Back to my earlier question - will Sharks Teeth or Whiskers add enough weight to neutralize fin buoyancy?