Flash & Strobes?

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Dirk Pitt

Reaction score
Kent UK
I'm starting to research UW photography (have been a 'normal' photographer for about 6 years).... simple question really:

Whats the difference between Flash and Strobes??

Any info appreciated


NB. Looking to get c5050z + PT105 - pictures intended for commercial picture library who I currently supply.
they are equivalents, but flash is normally used to describe the cameras built in one and a strobe is used to describe the flash gun if you get what i mean?

which library do you use for your photo's?

people keep telling me to do that, which is why i upgraded to the 5050 from the 3040.

I went for the ike ds50 as this follows the ttl flash of the olympus (automatically, no manual messing), it is ok for close stuff but lacks power for wide angle work, so a ds125 would be the next buy, that way you would have large main flash plus a smaller fill flash.

it is a kick arse camera!

oh by the way like your books :wink:
Ah.. thanks, that makes sense

Do you intend using the Ds50 strobe aswell as the Ds125? Do these stobes come with arm attachments for the PT-105?

I'm currently selling my RZ67, and relying on standard EOS kit for day to day stuff (housings are bloody expensive), all the reviews I have read to date for the c5050z have been excellent.

Most of my work to date has been for photographic technical publications, and general history magazines, however I have just started supplying images to www.sciencephoto.com, but looking to build contacts with other libraries, alot of new 'digital' libraries are now appearing.

Anyway thanks for the info, photography's much less stressful than working for NUMA!


ike have just brought out a tray with two handles (strobe attachments) which allows you to use a 2 system set up.

i only have a ds50 at the moment, but would like to gete the 125 as well, but that all depends on work at the moment.

camerasunderwater have the complete set ups for olympus and can advise you as well.

shooting raw really uses a lot of space on the cards though, with a 512 cf you can get something like 56 shots (can't remember the exact number).

I have 2 x 256's and 2 x 512's ready for my next dive trip, which should be back to Thailand for 2 months over christmas if things go well :D, plus my laptop, but i might leave it here and just get some more cards or one of those cd rom things that copy from memory cards

the link doesn't seem to work for me, is it right?
The link doesn't work for me either.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist replying to a thread that has both the author and his character talking to each other! (What's the chance of that?)

PS, I have the 5050, ike twin strobe tray, ds-125 with ball arm and manual controller. I dive in the Puget Sound (Washington state, USA) and viz is usually around 5-20 feet. Being new to U/W photography I've found the modeling light to be very helpful.

So far I love the equipment and tomorrow I'll order the second ds-125 (again with the manual controller).
David - I think you mean Clive Cussler, not Clive Francis. As for the link, it will work if you edit out the extraneous characters - the address should end .com not .com, .

Dirk - while I found the site, could you perchance point us to some of your work? BTW - nice profile pic!!:wink: Now tell - is it edited? And I thought NUMA Headquarters were down in the Carolina's....
U/W shooters tend to say strobe more than flash... land shooters usually say flash. They both perform the same fucntion. You could say a camera has a built in strobe... it'd just sound odd because people don't normally say that.

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