Fish tanks and divers

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Victoria, BC, Canada
# of dives
5000 - ∞
I've just started a saltwater fish tank and was wondering how many other divers wanted to or have brought the underwater world to the surface.
Ya, another hobby I can't cesa's though........
I've had a saltwater reef aquarium for many years. They are amazing. I don't have a lot of my more recent photos near at hand but here is one before the corals grew bigger. Like someone said, it can be very expensive. My advice is that you can go fast or go affordable. 04Reef 010.jpg is a great resource for learning more.

THAT is some nice coral growth! Good job! is also a good source for all things related to smaller tanks.
It doesn't have to be is my tank:wink:

I know nothing about the law in Canada, but here in California you would need a permit to do this. Personally, I prefer to see my fish in the wild... but then I can dive just about any day I like. Besides, I don't have to feed them in the wild... they fend for themselves. Tee hee.
I used to have a 55-gallon salt water tank on Oahu. I filled it stuff that I caught. It was nice, but I couldn't take seeing the critters die after a while so I got rid of it. I had a 5 1/2" tiger cowry that kept rearranging the rocks - that guy I gave to the Waikiki Aquarium.
24 hrs into my cycle and the tank cracked.......gggrrrr.......
Better 24 hours after filling than 24 months. Good luck!

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