Thanks! You guys are awesome! Tons of great advice to sort through.
We are seriously contemplating getting the truck for the entire time at this point, or at least getting it a few days into the trip after some (or a lot of...) dives on the house reef. Also, the last thing we're worried about is boredom - we're both fish biologists and into photography, so we'll be not only looking to catch images of the critters, but behaviour as well and that takes time and familiarity.
Mountain Dog, the schedule you laid out for how your favourite days go on Bonaire is exactly what we've got planned! You're our hero!
DiverKKC, thanks for all the great advice and comments. Very much appreciated!
Thanks again, All.
Fish biologists and photographers......... holy cow, you are going to be in HEAVEN. We went on our trip with a group of photographers, some professional, and they all had a blast. In fact, several of them did 6-7 dives per day if they found a spot they liked. They staked out frogfish, or seahorse, or yellowhead jawfish, get the picture, and would spend a whole dive laying in the sand in front of them, shooting away. At dinner each night we would discuss where we dived each day, and several of them would talk about 5 dives on a reef that day, just taking pictures of one particular fish. LOL One guy found a Sgt Major nest with eggs, and went back every day to photo the eggs developing.... made an awesome series.