You're already in Raja Ampat (RA), so I'd make the most out of it by staying somewhere in the Dampier Strait at a land-based resort. The next decision to make is if you want a homestay (think dive camping) or a dive resort (usually with A/C). I require A/C so the choices are fewer than homestays. Take caution if you choose a homestay. Communication is often difficult with the owners, you'll need to vet the quality of the gas (maybe bring an analyzer, even for air), and find out where the drinking water comes from. Dive camping is not for me.
I was in RA November/December 2023. I stayed at Sorido Bay (SB) first then a liveaboard. It was a great choice! Being my first time diving in Asia, I wanted a broad exposure to the diving. It's a long way to go from the U.S. for just a week. With the 30-day visa, I wanted to maximize my time there. With the travel time and the diving, I spent 28 days in Indonesia.
The liveaboard went farther south, down to Misool, which was too far for the day boat ride from SB. SB is on Kri Island and literally around the corner from the world famous Cape Kri. Another advantage of staying at a resort in the Dampier Strait is the proximity to some of the premium dive sites and the opportunity to dive Cape Kri more than once. It can often be undiveable (is that a word?) because of the currents and the timing of the tides. I was lucky to dive it three times. All three times differed greatly in the conditions but still a mind-blowing dive site with the biodiversity of marine life, as you'll find all over (RA). I only had a few overlaps in dive sites, but that's never an issue for me, because each site can vary from day to day in visibility, currents, and critters.
I wrote a trip report, but I don't know how to make it a link here, but the title is: Raja Ampat, Live Report, Nov. 7-Dec. 7, 2023.
Keep in mind that the land-based resorts only have a few cottages/bungalows. SB has 7 cottages and are usually booked out a year in advance. In February 2025, I'm returning to RA, staying a week each at Cove Eco, Raja Ampat Dive Lodge, and White Manta liveaboard.
It was the best diving I've ever done and I'm forever hooked on RA