First time needing o2

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So heres my stupid moment story, it's short and it's stupid

I've just completed my OW and my LDS was taking our group out for some experence dives before starting AOW. We got out to a fresh water lake about 20k out of town.

Its not the nicest of diving spots, 8m deep and about 300m from side to side. We jumped in and i noticed it was COLD, Dive Comp told me around 8c cold. I was diving dry and my instructor was using the dive as a lesson for me on dry suit BC control. We were in the water about 35min @ 6m deep. Viz was about 3m and there was alot of loose plant matter in the water.

Around 35min's into it i ended up going to the surface upside down with not able to purge my DrySuit, which was cool my instructor said it was going to happen at some point. Trouble is i spent about 10min trying to get myself upright while the instructor had a good laugh. I decided it was time to call it quits and head back. The instructor asked if i want he to go back with me and i said no and that i would be fine. He went under and joined the others while i made the first mistake of my diving life. I decided it was warmer topside and would surface swim the ~300m back to the jetty ladder.

I got to the ladder kinda ok, it was hard and i was already extremely tired from diving. I got out of the water with all my scuba kit on and walked another ~200m to the dive truck to get out of it. By the time i got to the truck i was panting and feeling lightheaded. The neck seal on my DrySuit was snug but not overly tight however now it felt like it was getting tighter and tighter around my neck. I really thought i was going to pass out.

Somehow i managed to get my dry suit off from around my neck and i was still feeling dizzy, i had no way to get the group's attention without going back in which i knew was a mistake so i sat down and got the medical o2 out and started sucking it down. I started to feel a little better and after a few min's the group surfaced and saw i was on it, the instructor kicked his fins off and ran over to me, he checked me out and said i did the right thing to get out the o2.

He said it was nothing to worry about, we had a hard dive and i had a hard swim back along with carrying the gear to the truck. I was tired and more than likley hyperventaliating - 20min more of o2 and i felt right as rain.

Lessions Learned:

Dont surface swim no matter how cold it is
Take your scuba unit off in the water if i have to walk with it
Never get out alone
Glad to hear this turned out OK!
I am an advocate of not leaving the water on a shore dive alone or leaving your buddy by themselves in the water or on the shore. Both people excit together and walk back to the truck together.
You never know what is going to happen or when or where it will happen. The dive doesn't end till everyone is back to the car/boat, with gear, being a dive buddy still means seeing your buddy back to the starting point.
Lessions Learned:

Take your scuba unit off in the water if i have to walk with it

Good to hear your OK, personally I find it easier on Shore Dives to Carry all my Scuba Stuff out of the Water while it's still on My Back, just take your time.

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