Thanks Damselfish... I hadnt seen one of those threads and that kinda makes me lean towards doing Roatan/Utila as a land based. The small issue there is land based usually means including the wife who doesnt dive. But maybe I will fix that before I go there (came close in Bonaire, so maybe I will try it again). Turks would be my top probably except she really wants to go there as well, so that might be hard to get approved. An ex-coworker did Turks Aggressor and loved it. Is Turks much better by liveaboard? If so maybe I can work it out.
Otherwise sounds like Belize. When is the best time for Belize? We went Nov. 04 and had pretty good weather. One day of rough seas, and I think rain one or two days but not bad.
Caymen may be cool too. We went there for a day as a pod person (big cruises are not my thing. Been there done that). Again, is there much to be gained from LA, or is shore based just as good?
Obviously LA's have their advantage in some destinations. Sounds like Belize is def. one of them. Just dont know about the rest of the Carib. Oh yeay... Saba sounds spectacular... I read a little last year on it. Hmmm.
Otherwise sounds like Belize. When is the best time for Belize? We went Nov. 04 and had pretty good weather. One day of rough seas, and I think rain one or two days but not bad.
Caymen may be cool too. We went there for a day as a pod person (big cruises are not my thing. Been there done that). Again, is there much to be gained from LA, or is shore based just as good?
Obviously LA's have their advantage in some destinations. Sounds like Belize is def. one of them. Just dont know about the rest of the Carib. Oh yeay... Saba sounds spectacular... I read a little last year on it. Hmmm.