After twenty years and more than 1400 dives in Southern California, I finally got to dive at Anacapa Island this morning. Merry and I loaded up the truck and headed for our rendezvous with the Moby Kate and headed north.
There was a current and poor visibility off the west end, but we found good conditions nearby on the frontside of the island. The reefs were covered in brittle stars, nudibranchs, sponges and gorgonians. Bull lobsters peered out from their dens while a Sheephead the size of a small car marveled at his reflection in our lenses.
Visibility was twenty feet plus in the 52F water.
There was a current and poor visibility off the west end, but we found good conditions nearby on the frontside of the island. The reefs were covered in brittle stars, nudibranchs, sponges and gorgonians. Bull lobsters peered out from their dens while a Sheephead the size of a small car marveled at his reflection in our lenses.
Visibility was twenty feet plus in the 52F water.