Went diving today with Okamiotoko2004. Pretty nice dives, expect for my lack of navagational skills on the second dive and we had a 18 minutes surface kick over to three tables so we could actually make it in to shore. The first dive we went from Firehouse to Sharks Cove and the second dive we were just going to stay around Firehouse area. Okay, we ended up close to Wiamae beach. LOL. YES, I am that bad at navagating. We did get to see lots of fish, a purple leafy scorpionfish, some eels (one enormous green moray). No turtles or sharks today. Overall it was good diving. I haven't gotten wet in 1 month so it felt good to get back at it. There was surf and current to deal with on top of the water and strong surges and current underwater. Next time I promise not to get us lost- as I won't be leading the way.